TDC Staff Recommend Granting of Consent

Extract from the TDC Staff Report

As a consequence of the bundling principle the proposed Motorsport Park activities are required to be considered as Discretionary Activities.
Having considered each component of the Motorsport Park activities Mr Andrew and I consider that the adverse effects resulting from the proposals are able to be avoided, remedied or mitigated by conditions of consent should the Hearing Commissioners determine that the overall proposal be approved. Mr Andrew and I have attached suggested conditions accordingly.
If pursuant to Pursuant to Section 104 (B) of the Resource Management Act 1991 the Hearing Commissioners determine to approve applications RM100848 and RM100872 - 879, Mr Andrew and I recommend the following:
a) APPROVAL under RM100848 to Create and operate a Motorsport Park at Stanley Brook ;
b) APPROVAL of RM100872 for the Storage of Hazardous Substances;
c) APPROVAL of RM100873 for the Installation of culverts, bridges & dams;
d) APPROVAL of RM100874 for the Earthworks & land recontouring;
e) APPROVAL of RM100875 for the Construction of bores;
f) APPROVAL of RM100876 for the Diversion of water;
g) APPROVAL of RM100877for the Taking of water;
h) APPROVAL of RM100878 for the Discharge of wastewater;
i) APPROVAL of RM100879 for the Discharge of greywater;
Mike Mackiggan
Consent Planer - Natural Resource Consents